Homemade Lemon Vinegar Cleaner
We all know it’s difficult to break a habit, but if we wish to live more sustainably at home, change is necessary, but the process can seem daunting! I have found it’s best to start with small measures, and build from there. Today, I decided to start in our kitchen. To be fair, we had already started doing our shopping at bulk food stores and managed to fill the pantry with glass storage jars (sourced from a local charity shop) with dry goods. Recently I began researching household cleaners that both work well, and more importantly, that we can make ourselves.
The result is my homemade lemon vinegar cleaner. It costs pennies to put together, and only just a bit of prep time.
Supplies needed:
· Lemon peels from approximately 5 lemons, or any other citrus fruit you happen to be eating!
· White distilled vinegar (10%)
· Water
· Glass container
· Spray bottle (reused if possible)
1. Place the lemon peels in a container and completely cover peels with vinegar. Cover and let mixture sit for around two weeks.
2. Remove peels from the vinegar and discard them.
3. Strain the vinegar, then fill into a spray bottle, and add water to the vinegar. (I do equal parts of vinegar to water) to create a 5% bug-killing vinegar solution). Shake before use.
I find it most useful for windows, floors, countertops, and as a bathroom cleaner. A couple of caveats: Don’t use this solution on stone countertops or stone floor tiles, as the vinegar (acetic acid) can cause dulling and etching, nor on wood floors or furniture.
Give it a go! Tag us on Instagram @atlanticblueaustralia